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BulletproofA-to-ZConsultingProductivity Nexus
The Bulletproof Task System

The Bulletproof Task System

$ 20.00 USD

As I finalize and document the almighty Bulletproof 4.0, I'm releasing select components for your inspiration, education and experimentation. Of course, they're all available to members of Notion A-to-Z.

Bulletproof Tasks leverages traditional productivity methodologies, Notion's distinctive capabilities, and my unrivaled experience to form Notion's most powerful task-management system.

Key Features

In advance of my detailed walkthrough, here some highlights. Use the ones you find helpful, discard any you don't.

  • Inbox: An Inbox view captures items as they emerge throughout your day. Deposit them there and continue your day with a clear head, knowing you'll organizing them at a dedicated time. (From GTD)
  • Contexts: Tag tasks with contexts like "Gym" or "Standing in Line." During those contexts, view only those tasks and knock 'em out. (From GTD)
  • Time Blocks: Scheduling tasks by time is futile. Dropping them into your personalized time blocks is simple and powerful. (From Time Blocking)
  • Prioritizer: The Eisenhower Matrix meets Eat the Frog meets the Pareto Principle (80:20 Rule). Need to sequence your tasks? Prioritize them automatically by assigning levels of requirement, urgency, impact and enjoyment.
  • Alerts: Immediately identify tasks that are overdue, need scheduling, or otherwise need attention. They're all in your Inbox, labeled with a sophisticated formula.
  • Relations: Classify tasks by Spaces, Projects, Organizations and other master databases for accessing in various contexts.
  • Sub-Tasks: Break tasks into smaller tasks, with or without their own property values.
  • Dependencies: Relate tasks to one that must precede it. Instantly see when an overdue task is blocked by its dependency.
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